Sunday, September 06, 2009

Snowbird Retreat

Nicky and I spent a night in Snowbird to celebrate our 8th Anniversary. Tristan and Terri were kind enought to watch our kids and sleep in our bed. It was a great day and a half. Thanks again T1 and T2

This is a shot we affectionately call "The Ashely and Ethan"

This is a picture of the Snowbird tram we took while riding the chairlift down the mountain.

This is at the top of the tram ride: elevation 11,000ft

This is the hotel we stayed in
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The Bluths said...

Well at least "our shot" is a cute one.

Happy belated anniversary.

Paige said...

Happy Anniversary!! Chris and I decided that we can't go away for just one night anymore because we're so exhausted all the time that we need one night to crash and then another night to enjoy being temporarily child-less.