Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Chief Big Yellow Pee Pants

We went on a hike/drive to see the fall colors. Natalie ended up having to go pee, "girl-scout style", except she is still trying to learn the technique. She peed on the uphill side of a down hill slope, so needless to say her tribal name shall henceforth be known as "Chief Big Yellow Pee Pants," (and also one sock if you want to get technical.) Anyways we bestowed this name on her during this photo shoot. The laughter shots are priceless. The fall colors were nice too.




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The Bluths said...

It's weird to see Natalie without bangs. She is really starting to look more like Nicky, especially when she is laughing like that.

Lois Shepherd said...

Darling pictures of Natalie laughing.
She is such a cute little girl.
Beautiful fall colors also.