Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Chief Big Yellow Pee Pants

We went on a hike/drive to see the fall colors. Natalie ended up having to go pee, "girl-scout style", except she is still trying to learn the technique. She peed on the uphill side of a down hill slope, so needless to say her tribal name shall henceforth be known as "Chief Big Yellow Pee Pants," (and also one sock if you want to get technical.) Anyways we bestowed this name on her during this photo shoot. The laughter shots are priceless. The fall colors were nice too.




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Poop or Nutella??

For those of you who know a little of Katie's history might have a difficult time with this question.


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Monday, September 07, 2009

Still Crazy After All These Years!

While I RARELY do the blogging for our family, I knew I would have to do this post, due to Josh's humility concerning the topic. While, I am not one to want to brag to the world, I could not miss this chance to share with my fellow "wife" friends out there that amid the many "Gosh, he drives me crazy!!" conversations we've had about our husbands, occasionally that "I'm so glad I married him" moment does still come along and puts life in to perspective. So for all you romatics out there, here's a little story... as you saw on the blog, Josh and I just celebrated our 8th anniversary. Now I had mentioned in passing at one point that I would LOVE a nice, modest diamond anniversary band for our tenth anniversary, and I knew Josh had been stashing little bits of money away to save for it. Well, about a month ago, our youngest Katie, who puts EVERYTHING in her mouth, managed to get her little hands on my wedding band and POOF it disappeared. I have scoured EVERY inch of this house for it. The final concensus, either Katie threw it down the heating vent, or ate it. Hmmmmm. While certainly heartbroken that I lost my wedding ring, the thing the bugged me the most was being out in public with three kids and no wedding ring. Maybe somewhat too self-concious, but it bugged the be-gee-bees out of me. So one night on a family trip to the mall, I dragged Josh into a jewelry store to try on some annivesary bands just for the heck of it and see how much they costed. Josh was gave me his "yeah nice, but expensive" response, so I kind of shelved the idea and decided maybe I would just get a cheap band to wear for another 2 years. Fast forward to our overnight at Snowbird. We'd had a fun day, had eaten dinner, and despite the fact that I was FREEZING-(we'd eaten out on a patio), Josh really wanted to go for a walk to "look for a moose". I was not being very cooperative to say the least. It was dark, I was cold, even though I was bundled up, and my legs were tired. And, honestly I could really care less about seeing a moose, but he dragged me along anyway, complaining the whole way. (I'm kicking myself for that now). We got lost looking for a trail, and ended up on a balcony on the back of the Snowbird activity center. I had really had enough at this point, to which Josh said, "alright, I guess we'll stop here. See any moose down there?" I went ahead to take a look, just to be nice. All of a sudden, I turn to JOsh to tell him "Nope, no moose, can we go now?" and I see him DOWN ON ONE KNEE HOLDING A LITTLE VELVETY BLACK BOX!!!! I was so shocked I can only imagine my face. "What, what are you doing, what is this?" Josh replied, "Nicky, will you stay married to me? Happy Anniversary" and opens the box to show me a beautiful diamond anniversary band. Yep, I was crying. It takes a lot to surprise me and WHOA DID HE NAIL IT!!!!!! So, in conclusion, it was one awesome weekend. I'd say all eight years have been worth it for that one heart melting moment! My husband rocks!

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Sunday, September 06, 2009

Snowbird Retreat

Nicky and I spent a night in Snowbird to celebrate our 8th Anniversary. Tristan and Terri were kind enought to watch our kids and sleep in our bed. It was a great day and a half. Thanks again T1 and T2

This is a shot we affectionately call "The Ashely and Ethan"

This is a picture of the Snowbird tram we took while riding the chairlift down the mountain.

This is at the top of the tram ride: elevation 11,000ft

This is the hotel we stayed in
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