Friday, July 17, 2009

Hike up to Cecret Lake

the three little mountaineers and I hiked up to Cecret Lake today. It was a beautiful hike. I can't believe they made it to the top, but the view was worth it. Notice Audrey's pose on top of the snow... she gets that from her Uncle Tristan




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Saturday, July 11, 2009

Tour de Donut

My three little ladies and I did the Tour de Donut bike ride this morning. Not quite the Tour de France, but there are donuts at the end. Natalie completed the 7 mile course. There is a race portion with three laps and the more donuts you eat at the end of each lap the more time you get taken off your ride, it is pretty funny to watch. The gentle man in the last picture had just smashed three donuts together and was eating them like a sandwich



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