Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Toddler Bed

Audrey made "the big move" last night...into a toddler bed in her big sister's room! (Thanks again to my awesome friend Sara for letting us use it). She was so excited to get to sleep in the same room with Natalie. (Natalie has her own bed, she just wanted to snuggle in Audrey's for the picture). It makes Audrey seem so grown up! But it will be good for Audrey to have some time to get used to the new sleeping arrangements before baby #3 arrives in May. Yes, in case the rumor mill hasn't made it your way, we have another on the way. We will know Jan 3rd what it is, so you have till then to cast your vote on the new poll I added!
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Christmas Pictures

Ah, yes. With the holidays here, that means it's time to attempt to wrangler the little ones in for "that one perfect picture" which will convey to all friends and family the love, warmth and happiness we feel in our home. No pressure. Well, for anyone who has attempted this awesome feat, you know well that there are like 30- something other "outtake pictures" that others rarely see (which are really a better indicator of the family wellbeing- ha ha). While you will have to wait to receive your holiday greeting with the "perfect picture", I'm rather fond of some of the outtakes. 1- Notice Audrey's red eyes and nose, due to the recently ended battle to get Audrey in the dress. She wasn't going to smile if her life depended on it. Nat's such a good sport! 2- "I'll make this even tougher mom, I will refuse to even look at you!" 3- So Audrey finally decides, after tremendous effort to bribe and entertain her, that she will smile. Only one problem...you tell a 2 year old to smile and you get this face. Back to the drawing board. 4- Mom finally figured out the trick to get real smiles, I love this one! I think this picture is the real definition of "joy", don't you. Happy Holidays! I need a nap. 
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