Saturday, June 24, 2006


Natalie learned how to pedal her tricycle this week. She rides up and down the sidewalk, and up and down the sidewalk, and up and down the sidewalk, and up and down the sidewalk... You get the picture.
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Tristan said...

It looks like she had a few spills or maybe the dreaded "foot slip off the pedal come around and hit you in the shins". She'll be ready for the Tour de France in July with that training circuit for sure.

Tristan said...

I love the band-aids.

The Bluths said...

What do you guys keep doing to poor Natalie? She seems to be all cut up on her legs :) Glad it's you guys and not me, I hate band-aids. Yuck.

Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

Sweet family! God bless you!