Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Lizzard

We kept saying that a Blizzard is coming and Natalie thought we were saying Lizzard. So she kept going to the window and watching for the Lizzard and asking if the Lizzard was here yet. Church was canceled in anticipation; we were supposed to get 12 inches of snow. We got quite a load of snow, but not as much as was predicted. It turned to rain Sunday morning and made for very heavy shoveling. Thankfully our neighbors have the mother of all snow blowers. Audrey has a new favorite face...”the scowl.”

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Short and Sweet

Nicky got her haircut. It looks great. I love it, but I am biased, I have a love affair with her hair. There is also a striking resemblance to Poppins herself.

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