Saturday, August 19, 2006

Audrey's Mobility and Mini-Bats

Just a quick update on the progress of Audrey's mobility. She is crawling now and pulling herself up onto furniture and walking back and forth. I hung up my mini-bat collection. We are making pretty good progress on our goal to visit all the major league ballparks in our lifetime.
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Thursday, August 10, 2006

Natalie's Third Birthday

We celebrated Natalie's 3rd birthday today at Chuck E Cheese. Natalie was afraid of "the chuck" and would not go up to him alone - Not a bite of pizza was eaten by the girls, they were too distracted by the excitement - Audrey puked on Daddy's face into his mouth and nose - Nicky took four 3 year olds to the bathroom... simultaneously - and best of all we were treated to a duet of singing and dancing by "the chuck" and the Chuck E Cheese manager (he can be found getting his groove on in picture on the right--word). It was great! Posted by Picasa