Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Our Day at Catholic Mass in Racine

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More Easter weekend

Coloring Easter eggs with Nana and Great Grandma...
Look what I found!! (Easter morning egg hunt)

Nana and her girls... Posted by Picasa

Easter weekend

Well, here's a whole bunch of pictures from the past weekend. Natalie in her Easter dress...

An outdoor Easter egg hunt at a friend's house on Saturday...

Audrey at great grandma's house...

Me and my honey on the shores of Lake Michigan... Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Working on the basement

We got the whole gang involved this weekend on the basement and made some good headway. Natalie was a pro at the vacuum, Audrey gave us some great tips on how to be a lounger, and as you can see, we got ALL the sheet rock up on the ceiling! Wahoo!! Now comes the hard part...the mud. Posted by Picasa
Two cutie girls in some new springy attire. You can see just how proud of a big sister Natalie is. She adores Audrey and Audrey loves attention from Natalie.
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Sunday, April 02, 2006

Natalie's Hot Rod

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Uhh have you seen my third chin?

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Some more pictures of the girls

We found Natalie in the crib the other day, she had climbed up there all by herself, with noookies. She is still feeling a little jealous of the attention sharing. And some other pictures.

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First trip to the Dentist

Natalie had her first trip to the dentist this week. She did a great job. No cavities! She even enjoyed it, and went home with an armfull of stuff. Posted by Picasa